Here are the most comprehensive answers to the frequently asked questions among our students who have already taken the ABCS Course and who are still considering it.  If you cannot find an answer to your question, feel free to contact us.
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General Questions
What is the ABCS of START-UP Ideation Course?
It is an online course designed to educate the participants of the Start-Up Visa program about the general rules, regulations, concepts, business administration, and business environments in Canada.
What does the ABCS stand for?
Analyze, Build, Collaborate, Scale, which are titles for each of the four modules that cover the topics respectively.
How long and intense is the course?
The course is pre-set for four months of online self-study, as a fully digitized program available at any time at your fingertips. The information is presented in four modules, each containing four weeks of classes covering four topics per week, with quizzes and tests incorporated into it. Intake time - anytime. The Certificate of Completion is issued immediately after the course is done and transferred to you and copied to us as your representatives to be ready for IRCC inquiries.
Are there any tests involved in the course?
At the end of each module, the participants are offered to provide multiple-choice answers to 16 questions designed to cover topics included in the module.
Can I take the course if I'm not a Start-Up Visa Applicant?
Sure, this course will benefit you if you are an existing entrepreneur or starting your business from scratch. To take this course, your business activity doesn't need to be entangled with the Start-Up Visa Program.
What is the fee for the course?
The original price of the course is CAD $3,906. To support you in this process, we are excited to announce that many Angel Investors have agreed to cover 50% of the Ideation course’ cost! This is a fantastic opportunity to save on your essential course fees while advancing your immigration application. Your success is our primary interest and concern for Angel investors.
If you are a Startup Visa Applicant
Do all team members need to enroll for this course, or one person per team is enough?
It is recommended that each team member completes the course to demonstrate their individual activity and involvement.
Is this course mandatory for Start-Up Visa Applicants?
While the Ideation Course is highly recommended to strengthen your application especially in situations when IRCC requests confirmation for business development and entrepreneurs’ readiness to run Canadian business successfully, it is not explicitly mandatory as per IRCC requirements to complete this specific course. However, our experience shows that competition of such course has a positive impact on the application process.
If all of our team members take this course, can we all use the same online link for payment, or will you send us individual emails with links?
The course takes four months. The information is presented in four modules, each containing four weeks of classes covering four topics per week.
Are there any tests involved in the course?
Every student will receive his/her invoice separately to the email.
If I'm not happy with my score after a quiz, can I retake it to improve it?
Just like any other exam, it is a one-time option to pass. Since the exam form is provided to the student group as a whole, it is not available individually. However, you will still be able to continue to the next module and will continue to receive invites to topics and future exams.